Enumerated types are an ideal representation for small collections of values that can be enumerated. Enumerated types also define an order on the values, which can sometimes be useful.

 * Copyright (C) 2024 by Martin Robillard. 
 * See https://codesample.info/about.html
package essentials;

 * Represents a given day of the week.
/** * This class is a mock-up that illustrates what enumerated correspond * to in terms of basic Java concepts. A value of an enumerated type * is a specific object referenced through a constant defined in the class. */ class FakeDayEnum // extends Enum { public static final FakeDayEnum MONDAY = new FakeDayEnum(); public static final FakeDayEnum TUESDAY = new FakeDayEnum(); public static final FakeDayEnum WEDNESDAY = new FakeDayEnum(); // ... and so on private FakeDayEnum() {} } /** * Enumerated types can also store values. */ enum Month { JANUARY(31), FEBRUARY(28), MARCH(31), APRIL(30), MAY(31), JUNE(30), JULY(31), AUGUST(31), SEPTEMBER(30), OCTOBER(31), NOVEMBER(30), DECEMBER(31); // This is for illustration purposes: we don't worry about leap years private final int aNumberOfDays; private Month(int pNumberOfDays) { aNumberOfDays = pNumberOfDays; } public int numberOfDays() { return aNumberOfDays; } public String asString() { return name().charAt(0) + name().substring(1).toLowerCase(); }
public Month next() { return Month.values()[(ordinal()+1) % Month.values().length]; }
} /** * Demonstrates some common usage patterns for enumerated types. */ public class EnumTypes { public static void main(String[] args) { for (Day day : Day.values()) { System.out.println(day); } // Obtain a month by string value Month month = Month.valueOf("APRIL"); System.out.println(String.format("%s has %d days", month.asString(), month.numberOfDays())); System.out.println(String.format("%s follows %s", month.next().asString(), month.asString())); } }