 * Copyright (C) 2022 by Martin Robillard. See https://codesample.info/about.html
package e2.chapter5;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EmptyStackException;
import java.util.List;

 * Sample class under test. This class is a simplified
 * component of the Solitaire application responsible for
 * managing one of the top four piles of cards at the top
 * of a game of Solitaire.
public class FoundationPile {
	private List<Card> aPile = new ArrayList<>();
	public boolean isEmpty() { 
		return aPile.isEmpty();
	public Card peek() {
		if( isEmpty() ) { 
			throw new EmptyStackException(); 
		return aPile.get(aPile.size() - 1);
	public Card pop() { 
		if( isEmpty() ) { 
			throw new EmptyStackException(); 
		return aPile.remove(aPile.size() - 1 );
	public void push(Card pCard) {
		assert pCard != null;
	public boolean canMoveTo(Card pCard) {
		assert pCard != null;
		if( isEmpty() ) {
			return pCard.getRank() == Rank.ACE;
		else {
			return pCard.getSuit() == peek().getSuit() &&
					pCard.getRank().ordinal() ==