 * Copyright (C) 2022 by Martin Robillard. See https://codesample.info/about.html
package e2.chapter4;

 * Represents an entity from which it is possible to obtain cards.
 * This version supports the Null Object pattern.
public interface CardSource {
	CardSource NULL = new CardSource() {
		public boolean isEmpty() { 
			return true; 
		public Card draw() { 
			assert !isEmpty(); 
			return null; 
		public boolean isNull() { 
			return true; 
	 * Returns a card from the source.
	 * @return The next available card.
	 * @pre !isEmpty()
	Card draw();
	 * @return True if there is no card in the source.
	boolean isEmpty();
	 * @return True if this instance is a null card source.
	default boolean isNull() { 
		return false; 